Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The wrath of the GODS of Kilimanjaro

This is an ad that appeared in today's MWANANCHI newspaper;
The pictured above,named Upendo Ibrahim Mshiu,daughter of IEM and SFK (initials) of Modonyi village,Old Moshi,Kilimanjaro is being sought by her parents in cooperation with their fellow villagers of Chagga community for the crime of breaking and destroying the GOD of this community and causing great problems to the said community.
The accused ran away from their village in May 2011,it is suspected that she ran away to Dar es salaam,Morogoro,Mwanza Mbeya or to foreign countries.
Anyone who sees her please call (mobile no.given) or report to the nearest police station.
Police case report no.given.
Now we know what one means when they say they are Chaggas, it is an integral society, complete with its own GODS(non scriptural apparently).
One itches to meet this Upendo to just have a word wit her and get some taste of how her thinking works!!!, unique girl.

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